Sunday, September 14, 2014

I was Freelance, when Freelance wasn’t Cool

A recent study reveals 34 percent of American workforce is freelance*

The digital age has completely changed the way Americans choose to earn a living. Freedom to work from virtually anywhere is a powerful draw away from the daily grind of traditional jobs. Freelancing affords people, who previously were unable to work outside of the home, a way to earn a paycheck and return to self-sustainability. The rogue movement that is freelance shows no signs of slowing any time soon. Some experts predict that by the end of 2016 the number of wage earners working from home (or where ever they want) will double.

I am a perfect example of an individual who’s taking advantage of the resources available to her. Without the internet, I would be completely penniless and relying on the government to keep a roof over my head. It’s been a long hard road, this freelancing thing.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bouncing Back from Illness

I am the boss. I am the chief writer/editor. I am the marketing director, proposal writer, accountant, and customer service agent. So what happened a month ago when I was unable to work because of severe physical illness? Nothing—absolutely nothing happened. Clients moved on, blog stalled, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ fell flat, and no money was earned.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cooking Secrets and Tips

America is on the go–a home-cooked meal, every night, is out of the question. Unfortunately, processed foods have made Americans among the unhealthiest nations in the world. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, more than ⅓ of children and more than ⅔ of adults are overweight or obese. Eating healthily doesn't have to mean breaking the bank or spending every day in the kitchen. There are simple secrets and tips to get you in and out of the kitchen in no time, and will put affordable and healthy meals on your plate.

Building Self-Esteem: Becoming Functional Out of Dysfunction

To be nobody - in a world which is doing its best . . . to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.
- E E Cummings
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. Things that influence our self-esteem are many, including personality, physical and emotional health, abilities, appearance, habits, and morality. We might feel positive about some and negative about others.
Feelings we have about ourselves can fluctuate from day to day. One day we might be confident and determined. Another day we might feel insecure and unhappy. Discovering our overall true feelings about ourselves isn't as simplistic as the definition of self-esteem leads us. We must allow for a measurement of our feelings. Self-esteem is a physical, emotional, and spiritual value we assign to ourselves.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Avocado: The Ultimate Super Food

Unlock Your Brain Power with this Amazing Fruit, Lovingly Known as Alligator Pear

When I say beta-carotene, what comes to mind? Huh, you say. Carrots, right? Sure, just roll with me. So, when I say lycopene, you say…yes, tomatoes. Lycopene and beta-carotene are two extremely important anti-oxidants most closely associated with orange or reddish fruits and vegetables. Well, guess what green, weird shaped fruit, has more of both anti-oxidants with one peel tied behind its back than a pound of carrots and a bunch of tomatoes put together. Yep, that’s right…the all mighty Alligator Pear! That’s not all. We’re just getting started on the amazingness of the avocado.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Eating Write: Brain Food for Writers

Walt Whitman fancied oysters and steak for breakfast. F. Scott Fitzgerald claimed apples and canned meat helped him concentrate. Truman Capote survived on mint tea and martinis when deep into his work. Three of the greatest writers in the entire world, and no thank you…I think I’ll stick to chewing gum and drinking coffee.